
dai san ku

i'm completely lost on chapter 3 material. i thought i would get it, after the grammar sheet, because i took forever to try to understand, and then in class i was like WHOA O_O. maybe also because i have a fever, but i think it's more that i'm just going to have to work harder on this chap? it's the first time i didn't understand right away!

I'm nervous about kanji too. ahh so many things to remember.

anyone feel the same way??

anyway, when i was studying for the test on wednesday, i forgot to mention that there were native japanese speakers sitting beside me in the pav. i felt like they were laughing at my weak attempt with my 'watashi wa's' and my 'takai desu ne's' flueeency?? blegh. i'm glad today's lab (sorry satoo sensee). its more passively involved, so my weeklong sickness won't get in the way of more performance in class...

5 件のコメント:

Max さんのコメント...

Man in the serious realm, I am terrified about kanji.

eudora さんのコメント...

I...cannot comment about kanji. If I say any more I think I will be murdered by everyone else.

what scares me is still the sentence structures--as today's drill showed, I am next to clueless when it comes to speaking and writing in Japanese. Which, hmm, let's see, is just about the entire thing. I guess we just have to practice. We should all study together!

Alex さんのコメント...

Kanji has me worried too - not only are they very hard for me to write but there are so many of them. Fortunately they are somewhat easy to recognize after some practice since they're like little pictures of whatever word(s) they represent.

Vivien Shum さんのコメント...

that's exactly how i'm feeling in class too~ i start to get so lost in ch.3~ i guess i need to work harder to catch up with the materials as well...

Riley さんのコメント...

I think if we take kanji slow like we are it will be okay. I mean its much easier to right one symbol that have to right ku or kyuu and remember the difference in time and phone numbers and stuff.